Category: "Middle Column"
“Erratic Movement” In Earth’s Magnetic Field Threaten Global Navigation
DARPA Wants to Build Conscious Robots Using Insect Brains
What happens if the government shutdown drags on?
...Law enforcement agencies squeezed
The AI app that shows you how your face will look in 20 years
Did Huawei trick US banks into breaking the law?
Automakers testing inward facing cameras…
... analyzes driver and passenger behavior
... measures attention, distraction and drowsiness
MicroLED Is the Next Revolution in TV Technology…
... it's best of all worlds (LCD, LED and OLED)
Why China Wants to Beat US to 5G: Integral to Chinese National Strategy for Military-Civil Fusion
Plants may be able to HEAR gardeners talking to them and buzz of approaching bees…
... producing sweeter nectar, increasing chance of cross pollination
The Quest to Topple Science-Stymying Academic Paywalls
FBI is Trying Amazon’s Facial-Recognition Software…
...Amazon Rekognition can process one petabyte per day looking for targets
... how large is a petabyte?
Facebook can now tell who you live with based on your pictures and captions
Prosecution of Julian Assange for Publishing Documents Poses Grave Threats to Press Freedom
Cramer says CEOs are telling him off the record the economy has quickly cooled
Report: Chinese Telecom Giant Building Venezuela a ‘Social Credit System’
They roam public buildings, making videos. Terrorism experts say they may be dangerous
Widely cited study of fake news retracted by researchers
The Secret Logistics Of America’s Global Deep State
Pentagon: Military Logistics System Not Ready for War With China or Russia
High-tech border wall plan on display at CES…
... using LiDAR paired with AI
Physics explains why time passes faster as you age
CIA Director Gina Haspel 33-year career includes 30 short-term covert temporary duty assignments
... how many included running black sites?
African Union passport gains momentum
Buzz grows on ‘flying cars’ ahead of major tech show
AI can detect Alzheimer’s in brain scans six years before a diagnosis
Why Cell Phone Security Sucks…
... vulnerabilities in cell phone standards
... market barriers delay critical fixes
Pending Assange charges unsettle liberals, conservatives alike?
Copy-Paste Error Reveals Assange Already Facing US Indictment
Gut bacterium fountain of youth? Let’s start with reversing insulin resistance…
Russia jammed GPS during major NATO military exercise with US troops
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