Category: "Middle Column"
Google Accused of Creating Spy Tool to Squelch Worker Dissent…
Newly discovered virus disturbs scientists who have no idea how it infects hosts…
Another reason to get off your phone: The blue light might be making you age faster…
Monkeys beat humans at computer game in groundbreaking intelligence study…
In the rush to harvest body parts, death investigations have been upended…
Forget Facial Recog: DHS New Amazon-Based Database Uses Scars, Tattoos, & Your Voice To ID You…
Scientists take control of birds’ minds and change the songs they chirp by using fibre optics to alter their brain waves…
Artificial blood that is ‘better than the real thing’ made in lab by scientists…
The Intelligence of Plants…
Silicon Valley’s final frontier for mobile payments…
...ditching credit cards for facial recognition
US Army shares road map to modernizing capabilities against drone swarms…
Google’s “Quantum Supremacy” To Render All Cryptocurrency & Military Secrets Breakable?
Google Claims ‘Quantum Supremacy,’ Marking a Major Milestone in Computing…
An Inside Look at All the Data CBP Collects About Everyone Crossing U.S. Borders…
Coming Soon in China: ‘Social Credit’ for Companies, Too…
Futuristic ‘invisibility cloak’ unveiled – and experts say it could hide an entire building…
Americans embrace the wisdom of being ‘nobody’…
Lawmaker: TSA Should Halt Facial Recognition Programs Absent Formal Policies…
Chinese official threatens European citizens over Xinjiang protests: ‘Think of your family’…
UFO-like helicopter dubbed ‘Super Great White Shark’ unleashed by China…
China’s surveillance tech is spreading globally, raising concerns about Beijing’s influence…
Mystery of how Earth’s toughest creature, the tardigrade, can survive radiation equivalent to 25 hours at Chernobyl ground zero is solved by discovery of protein shield…
Face masks to decoy t-shirts: The rise of anti-surveillance fashion…
Intel Community Quietly Scrapped Requirement For “First-Hand Knowledge” Before CIA ‘Rumorblower’ Relied On Hearsay…
How Amateur Video Is Helping Us Understand Deadly Tsunamis…
Mysterious Mineral from Earth’s Mantle Discovered in South African Diamond…
... Called "goldschmidtite"
Secret F.B.I. Subpoenas Scoop Up Personal Data From Scores of Companies…
IRS Testing Behavioral Analytics to Verify Online Users…
Health fears prompt Swiss 5G revolt…
US Air Force’s radical plan for a future fighter could field a jet in 5 years…
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