Category: "Right Column"
FBI, ICE use driver license photos without owners’ knowledge or consent…
Court rules Amazon can be held responsible for defective third-party goods…
The Asteroid Peril Isn’t Science Fiction…
Digital Driver’s Licenses Could Become a Real Option in Some States…
I Opted Out of Facial Recognition at the Airport—It Wasn’t Easy…
Researchers crack open Facebook campaign that pushed malware for years…
Face-Reading AI Will Tell Police When Suspects Are Hiding Truth…
Trump officials weigh encryption crackdown…
Google Turns to Retro Cryptography to Keep Data Sets Private…
Google’s new reCAPTCHA has a dark side…
The Hotel Hackers Are Hiding in the Remote Control Curtains…
Soon, satellites will be able to watch you everywhere all the time…
‘Dark patterns’ are steering many internet users into making bad decisions…
...the sneaky ways online companies trick you into agreeing to stuff
...if you don’t uncheck the box — if you do nothing — you’re enrolled
You cannot be ‘too clean’ health experts warn, in bid to debunk myths…
Ethereum Co-Founder Criticizes Facebook’s Libra Token for Centralization…
How to Protect Our Kids’ Data and Privacy…
Is This The Huawei & Chinese Intelligence Smoking Gun?
Hacker Heaven: Huawei’s Hidden Back Doors Found…
New Space Development Agency (SDA) Head Quits; Turmoil Erupts In DoD Space…
Chinese border guards are putting a surveillance app on tourists’ phones…
Russia Is Disrupting GPS Signals and It’s Spilling into Israel…
FBI Urges Universities To Monitor Some Chinese Students And Scholars In The U.S…
Firm Uncovers Major Cyber-Espionage Campaign Against Telcos…
...Report: Operation Soft Cell
The University of Chicago Medicine Exposed ‘Perspective Givers’ Database With More Than A Million of Records…
The gnawing anxiety of having an algorithm as a boss…
China’s big brother casinos can spot who’s most likely to lose big…
Google Execs Delete Social Media Accounts After James O’Keefe’s Latest Exposé…
Three Chinese Banks Tumble After US Threatens To Cut Them Off From SWIFT…
Alphabet’s smart city will track its citizens, but promises to protect their data…
Teflon Toxin Safety Level Should Be 700 Times Lower Than Current EPA Guideline…
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