Category: "Right Column"
Julian Assange Hit With Espionage Act Violations As DoJ Unveils 17 New Charges…
...USA v. Julian Paul Assange Indictment
ICE Seeks Tech To Track Electronic Devices, Even Going Back In Time…
Mexicans buy fake cellphones to hand over in muggings…
Report: People Are Being Arrested and Jailed Due to Hertz Erroneously Reporting Rental Cars Stolen…
Secret tracking device found in Navy email to Navy Times amid leak investigation raises legal, ethical questions…
Nuclear Weapons Are Getting Less Predictable, and More Dangerous…
DARPA is Eyeing a High-Tech Contact Lens Straight Out of ‘Mission: Impossible’…
Ransom Deadline Nears As Baltimore Continues To Struggle For Fix…
DARPA Is Training AI For Close-Range Air Combat Missions…
Intel Agencies Invest in AI to Track People, Targets Across Video Surveillance Networks…
A Bizarre Form of Water Called “Superionic Ice” May Exist All Over the Universe…
Millions in California May Go Dark This Summer, and Most Aren’t Ready…
Chinese Laser Attack on U.S. Aircraft Left Out of Pentagon Report…
...Damaged eyes of American military aircrews near Chinese military base in Africa last year
...Apparent bid to preserve the controversial military exchange program with Beijing
Amazon rolls out machines that pack orders and replace jobs…
Pioneering ‘Holy Grail’ therapy could repair deadly heart attack damage…
Thangrycat: a deadly Cisco vulnerability named after an emoji…
IQ rates are dropping in many developed countries…
DHS warns of ‘strong concerns’ that Chinese-made drones are stealing data…
Child data privacy could get much-needed reform in new bill…
Putin hails new Russian laser weapons…
Now You Can Experiment With OpenAI’s Fake News AI…
Amazon is the third ‘superpower’ heightening the drama of the US-China trade war…
Google Payment Privacy Settings Hidden Behind Special URL…
Virtual kidnappings are rattling families across the US…
‘Zombie cells’ buildup in your body may play role in aging…
Fraudsters Targeting Consumers with One-Ring Phone Scams…
...Exploit people's curiosity to call back, pay exorbitant fees
The new benchmark quantum computers must beat to achieve quantum supremacy…
What types of data can be extracted from my phone?
From the A bomb to the AI bomb, nuclear weapons’ problematic evolution…
EyeDisk’s ‘Unhackable’ Drive Is Totally Hackable…
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