Category: "Right Column"
Ongoing Attack Stealing Credit Cards From Over A Hundred Shopping Sites…
Inside China’s Massive Surveillance Operation…
Jolted by Meltdown and Spectre, Intel aims to accelerate patching process…
Microsoft Word’s New “AI Editor” Makes Grammar ‘Politically Correct’…
...Scolds for Non-Inclusive, Gendered Language
‘Deep fake’ videos that can make anyone say anything worry U.S. intelligence agencies…
US Needs Bounty Hunters For Cyber: Ex-DoD Officials Say…
Facebook Contractors Review and Categorize Private Posts, Raising Privacy Questions…
Amazon’s Alexa keeps a copy of all audio recordings…
...Most people don't realize Alexa records everything you say to it
Hackers Are Deleting Git Repos And Holding Code Ransom For Bitcoins…
European, American authorities make bust of so-called “Wall Street Market” darknet platform…
How Private Equity Is Turning Public Prisons Into Big Profits…
...Contractors Serving Cheaper, Lower-Quality, Less Nutritious Food To Inmates
...Higher Incidence Of Spoiled, Rotten Ingredients, Some With Maggots
...Correctional Food-Service Industry Is A Captive Market
...What If Same Privitization Standards Are Mandated To Families On Government Assistance?
US searches of phones, laptops at airports rising…
Putin signs controversial “sovereign internet” law which allows Russian authorities to isolate the country’s internet…
Foreign phone carriers share data to stop SIM card swap fraud; US carriers drag their feet…
TV viewers turn to antennae to escape insane cable prices…
The Art of the Mathematical Conjecture…
Stolen NSA hacking tools were used 14 months by Chinese and/or Russians before Shadow Brokers leak…
Tracing drug deals and kickbacks, feds arrest operators of Deep Dot Web…
...DEEPDOTWEB Indictment
Facebook Co-Founder: It’s Time For Government To Break Up Tech Giant…
Humans in AI-created video look surprisingly real…
The Snowden files: where are they and where should they end up?
...The Intercept shut down access to the Snowden documents in March 2019
Report: Chinese spies acquired NSA tools, used them to attack US allies…
Firefox pushes another update to repair its broken add-ons…
...people with older OS versions had to wait longer for fix
...Workaround To Fix Disabled Firefox Extensions
The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) financial ‘death spiral’…
“Organized Crime Scheme” Ad-Click Fraud Is Costing Companies $50 Billion A Year…
Claim: Google and Facebook know you so well, they don’t need to surveil your conversations…
...truth, disinfo cover story or a bit of both?
SpaceX cuts broadband-satellite altitude in half to prevent space debris…
A Programmer Solved a 20-Year-Old, Forgotten Crypto Puzzle…
New type of plastic is a recycling dream…
First Ever Video Filmed Inside B-2 Stealth Bomber Cockpit…
...More Images of B-2 Stealth Bomber
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