Category: "Right Column"
MySpace loses 12 years of user content…, videos, and audio files uploaded from 2003 to 2015
Walmart is planning to launch its own low-cost Android tablet
Rift widens between Epic Games and gamers over data mining allegations…
...scraping local data without permission
...Chinese company Tencent owns 40 percent stake
‘Privacy Protection’ Now Used As Excuse To Cut Off Investigative Journalists From LexisNexis TraceIQ Tool…
...TraceIQ reveals names, addresses and phone numbers
Ethicist Warns: Future AI May Want Payback For Sins Of The Father…
...Will Other AIs Experience Schadenfreude?
Novel technique for recovering scattered data from twisted light…
...might open door for high-performance optical communication in hostile environments
Rise and fall of the landline
Parents Blame Elementary School’s Cell Tower After 4th Student Diagnosed With Cancer…
...“I wouldn’t send my kids there at all, it absolutely is dangerous”
In-car surveillance will end automotive privacy…
...In-car tech like millimeter-wave radar will make you sick
U.S. Marshals Want Help Disposing of Virtual Currencies Seized During Criminal Investigations…
Decline in readers, ad revenue leads hundreds of newspapers to fold…
Forgery Operation in Woodburn, Oregon Produced Over 10,000 Fake Documents…
Inside Lockheed Martin’s Deep Space Habitat for Astronauts…
The almost incomprehensible vastness of Foursquare’s data empire…
...passively tracks where your phone goes using Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS, and GSM...
...only Facebook and Google rival Foursquare in terms of location-data precision
Schneier Essay: Cybersecurity for the Public Interest
How China’s Social Credit System Is Coming To America…
Smart Insecurity: Home alarm systems vulnerable to attack from software-defined radios…
Google distributed malicious Chrome app designed to steal your cryptocurrency
A New Discovery Upends What We Know About Viruses
Neuroscientists Can Predict Decisions 11 Seconds Before We Make Them…
Study uncovers genetic switches that control whole-body regeneration…
...may hold key to how humans regenerate body parts
What will Google Hotels mean for online booking sites?
New bill would give parents an ‘Eraser Button’ to delete kids’ data
DARPA Wants Tools to Reimagine Underground Worlds in 3D…
Web Inventor Tim Berners-Lee Urges Users to Seek ‘Complete Control’ of Data
...says web is now dysfunctional with ‘perverse’ incentives...
Bitcoin Coders Send First Bitcoin Lightning Payment Over Radio Waves…
...Using Amateur Radio Software "JS8call"
The Rise Of Totalitarian Technology…
China’s Huawei has big ambitions to weaken the US grip on AI leadership
Hidden FDA Reports Detail Harm Caused By Scores Of Medical Devices…
Feds share the US Terrorist Watch List with 1,400+ private entities, including hospitals and universities…
...Why not make it public?
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