Category: "Right Column"
China to build deep sea AI Atlantis…
EU moves closer to requiring biometrics on national ID cards…
NSA Makes Ghidra, a Powerful Cybersecurity Tool, Open Source
The US Security Clearance Process Is About to Get Its Biggest Overhaul in 50 Years
How do we follow the rhythm of language? The answer depends on our brain’s path.
These Cameras Can Spot Shoplifters Even Before They Steal…
Facebook allows anyone to look you up using your phone number…
How to Restrict Facebook's Access to Your Phone Number
Two “White Hat” Ethical Hackers Earn Over $1 Million via Bug Bounty Programs…
Sandia Labs creates supercharged honeypot to lure, deceive and study adversaries in real-time…
Facebook Insider Leaks Docs; Explains Effort to Suppress News Content
Stanford hacked, personal info of students exposed…
The Age Of Tyrannical Surveillance: We’re Being Branded, Bought, & Sold For Our Data
Toyota PASTA Car-Hacking Tool will be soon on GitHub
The secret, soul-crushing lives of Facebook moderators…
California bill would require companies to let you know if your passport number is stolen
U.S. Gov Tracking Journalists Through a Secret Database…
Machines reading our emotions…
6 Questions to Ask When Buying a Connected Car…
Sneaky Voice Phishing: Smartphone apps that mimic financial firms and hijack outbound calls…
Do faces always reveal our true emotions?
Cellebrite smartphone cracking devices pop up on eBay, with sensitive info still on them!
Facebook sues over sales of fake accounts, likes and followers
More privacy concerns regarding 5G and Huawei…
Google Translate is a manifestation of Wittgenstein’s theory of language…
Cybersecurity methodology “STIG” finally comes to government IT…
will help secure or "harden" government computer infrastructure...
Multiple threat actors targeting Elasticsearch Clusters…
Crime syndicates offer MILLIONS to skilled black hats to help them in extortion campaigns…
620 million accounts stolen from 16 hacked websites available for sale on the dark web
You Give Apps Sensitive Personal Information. Then They Tell Facebook.
China Uses DNA to Track Its People, With the Help of American Expertise
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