Category: "Right Column"
Texas Mystery: Small Town Has 1,000 Registered Aircraft But No Airport
Airplane seat cameras new spy in the sky…
Research suggests deaf infants may have higher visual processing density than hearing children…
When surveillance meets incompetence…
Neuroscientists Say They’ve Found an Entirely New Form of Neural Communication
Denver to encrypt police radio traffic, blocking the public – but not news organizations – from listening
China and Russia Tag Team to Split U.S. From NATO Allies
New technology helps truck drivers find safe places to park and rest, but also expands Fed’s surveillance program…
Make a Negative Comment About Mark Zuckerberg? Facebook Might Be Tracking Your Location…
Quantum sensors hold promise for future of magnetic resonance…
Could reduce radiation exposure while boosting measurement accuracy...
Clandestine US Program To Sabotage Iranian Missiles, Rockets Revealed In Leak To NYT
Pocket-Sized Drone About To Change U.S. Army Operations Forever…
Smart Light Tells Amazon and Google When You Go To Bed…
Norway: GPS jamming during NATO drills in 2018 a big concern
Does Google and Facebook’s ad monopoly translate into editorial influence?
Once hailed as unhackable, blockchains are now getting hacked…
Researchers discover anti-laser masquerading as perfect absorber…
Physicists create exotic electron liquid…
...with device applications in communications, cancer detection, and scanning for weapons...
Microsoft Advises Customers Not Buy Office 2019; Instead Subscribe To Office 365
China data leak exposes vast hi-tech surveillance operation…
Tracking over 2.5 million Uighur residents in the western province of Xinjiang...
People still shocked by how easy it is to track someone online
DHS equips 400 police departments with military-grade sound cannons called “Long Range Acoustic Devices (LRAD)”
In just two years, 9,000 automatic license plate readers (ALPR) cameras were installed to spy on your car…
Elon Musk-backed nonprofit company OpenAI declines to release ‘AI fake text generator’ research publicly for fear of misuse
Our Robocall Nightmare May Be Coming to an End…
Pentagon Releases Blueprint for Accelerating Artificial Intelligence (AI)… Wants Help from Big Tech…
Chimp sign language and human communication follow the same rules
Head Injury Triggers Acquired Savant Syndrome…
Coming to Smartphone Cameras: Google Map Overlays of Your Location in Real Time
Sneaky motion-detection feature found on Android malware
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