Category: "Right Column"
EFF on TSA Roadmap: Biometrics As Security Keys, Honeypot of Sensitive Data, Ripe for Misuse by Hackers (and Foreign Govs)…
Google Offers ChaCha Stream Cipher Called “Adiantum” for Budget Smartphones … Instead of AES
New Mac Malware Targets Cookies to Steal From Cryptocurrency Wallets
Why Microsoft is wise to align with privacy advocates on regulating facial recognition
Firefox Fission aims to thwart nasty Spectre-style attacks
How Disney Is Erasing a Showbiz Institution…
How big hotel chains became arms of the surveillance state…
Why no one really quits Google or Facebook…
Why telephones and calculators use different numeric keypads
Japanese government plans to hack into citizens’ IoT devices in preparation for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics
New Site Exposes Which Apple Apps Are Censored in China … and Unavailable in the US
Google also monitored iPhone usage with a private app…
Something mysterious is blocking vehicle key fobs from working in a small Canadian town
Prisons Across the U.S. Are Quietly Building Databases of Incarcerated People’s Voice Prints
MIT Study: Crowdsourcing can identify online misinformation
Apple and Google host app called “Absher” that tracks and controls where women travel..
Do Smart Devices Like Nest Make It Easy for Hackers to ‘Creep Your Crib’?
New malware found using Google Drive as its command-and-control server
Big Telecom Sold Highly Sensitive Customer GPS Data Typically Used for 911 Calls
By decoding flickering brain signals, scientists envision a new way to detect consciousness
Bruce Schneier: There’s No Good Reason to Trust Blockchain Technology
Nanomaterials are changing the world – but we still can’t ensure they’re safe
Why data, not privacy, is the real danger
Prepare to Defend Your Network Against the New SaaS: Swarm-as-a-Service
Europe Launches SWIFT Alternative To Send Money To Iran … Called INSTEX or “Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges” to Bypass US Sanctions
Major DNA Testing Company Sharing Genetic Data With the FBI … nearly 2 million genetic profiles…
Researchers Testing Internet Anti-Route Hijacking System Run Into Problems…
Google Chrome Is Testing a Feature to Warn Users About Suspicious URLs
Report: Heavy metals like arsenic and lead found in 45 packaged fruit juices
Treasury Department Looking for New Ideas to Combat Counterfeiting…
Request for Information (RFI): Sources Sought for Hidden Machine Readable Security
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