Category: "Right Column"
Apple FaceTime bug lets you listen in on people you call, even if they haven’t picked up their iPhone
Iran Announces Offensive Strategy Against Threats
Report: Senior White House Adviser Granted Top Secret Clearance After Two Rejections
The secret world of Amazon’s returns
Artificial Intelligence WARNING: AI ‘capable predicting and manipulating YOUR future’
Chinese app tells you if you’re near someone in debt
US Intel Official: China ‘compressing’ technology gains
Facebook, Twitter Can Still Stalk You Online After Account Deletion … Through Your Friends
Scientists discover hidden blood networks that cross through bone
Fake Washington Post Newspapers Distributed in D.C.
Amazon’s virtual assist Alexa goes down
Feds say ‘star’ DEA agent abroad stole millions
China’s Capital Outflows Are Soaring Again… And Why This Is Great News For Cryptos
FBI using DNA to zero in on unidentified subjects of interest
Chinese Soldiers Are Using These Futuristic Weapons…
... CornerShot-like pistols, knife guns, and grenade-launching assault rifles
Physicist: Black Holes Could be Portals for Hyperspace Travel
Getting Harder to Source Parts for Quantum Computers…
DeepMind AI Challenges Pro StarCraft II Players, Wins Almost Every Match
Risky phone use while driving is soaring, and it’s killing Americans, IIHS study finds
Apple might start making its own batteries for iPhones and Macs
Pentagon: Chinese Military Units Training With ASAT missiles
Freedom of Information reveals secret list of Pentagon research projects
China Might Be Bugging US Subways — But There’s a Bigger Problem … Remote Control?
Mexican truckers fight highway robbery with armored semis
Report: Google Manipulated YouTube Search Results
US Navy pivots toward smaller, more nimble autonomous ships packed with sensors and weapons…
... aim is to take back control of the game board with China and Russia
CERN Unveils Design for 62-Mile-Round Atom Smasher More Powerful Than the Large Hadron Collider
Russia Prepares To Buy Up To $10 Billion In Bitcoin To Evade US Sanctions
US Electric Grid Hacked: Perpetrators Could Have Shut Down The System
Scientists Figure Out How to Travel Faster Than the Speed of Light?
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