Category: "Right Column"
Army Test Drives New Combat Vehicle That Is Replacing The Humvee…
A technical look at Phone Extraction…
Air Force finally retires 8-inch floppies from missile launch control system…
Surprising study shows reduced neuronal activity extends life…
The “Safe Drivers Act” Is A Real-Time National Driver Surveillance Program…
An inmate’s secretly recorded film shows the gruesome reality of life in prison…
How plants talk to each other: Flowers and trees warn neighbors when they’re under attack by releasing chemicals into the wind…
Motorola, known for cellphones, is fast becoming a major player in government surveillance and artificial intelligence…
All of Amazon’s New Products, Ranked by Creepiness…
Brain chip created for US soldiers to take out enemies with their minds…
Google seeks permission for staff to listen to Assistant recordings…
“Stiff, Strong, And Tough” – Researchers Discover New Plastic That Could Revolutionize Body Armor…
‘Insurance policy for planet Earth’: Space agencies to smash spacecraft into asteroid at over 14,000 mph…
Smart TVs Caught Sending Sensitive User Data To Facebook And Netflix…
Russia carried out a ‘stunning’ breach of FBI communications system, escalating the spy game on U.S. soil…
Report: New CRISPR tool has the potential to correct almost all disease-causing DNA glitches…
Argonne Team Looks to Insect Brains as Models for Computer Chip Innovation…
Is the Government Testing Mass Surveillance on the Border Before Turning It on Americans?
The Lines of Code That Changed Everything…
Chinese Citizens Will Have to Scan Their Faces to Get Internet Access and New Phone Numbers…
Inside the strange, secretive lives of rich millennial cheapskates…
New Reductor Nation-State Malware Compromises TLS…
New blood test could detect more than 20 types of cancer…
Drone-killing microwave weapon deployed by US Air Force overseas for first time…
Normal Intrusions: Globalizing AI Surveillance…
Secret FBI Subpoenas For Personal Data Go Far Beyond Previously Known…
Mystery towers going up all over Cincinnati area…
...Homeowners worry about possible health effects
AI Could Reinvent Medicine—Or Become a Patient’s Nightmare…
Researchers: AI surveillance is expanding worldwide…
Brain computers only rich can afford to ‘create new superior human species’…
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