Category: "Right Column"
Cats, dolphins and one smart raven: the CIA’s secret animal spies…
DNA company tampered with results, former employees say…
Algorithm predicts when workers are about to quit…
The CIA’s Secret Quest For Mind Control: Torture, LSD And A ‘Poisoner In Chief’…
Report: NSA Working To Develop Quantum-Resistant Cryptocurrency…
Social Credit System: Facial Recognition Cameras Monitor Chinese Students’ Behavior In Class…
Some Tesla owners reportedly got locked out of their cars because the app was down…
EU Antitrust Chief: “Google And Facebook Are Sucking Up Data From Every Corner”…
Brain-reading tech is coming. The law is not ready to protect us…
Apple Changes the Way It Listens to Your Siri Recordings Following Privacy Concerns…
China’s Spies Are on the Offensive…
Google Is Burying Alternative Health Sites To Protect People From “Dangerous” Medical Advice…
I Visited 47 Sites. Hundreds of Trackers Followed Me…
The AI Emotion-Detection Arms Race…
Paging Big Brother: In Amazon’s Bookstore, Orwell Gets a Rewrite…
This med student was given last rites before finding a treatment that saved his life. His method could help millions…
33,000 newsroom jobs slashed, newspapers the last choice for news…
Newspapers turn to lobbying against Facebook and Google…
US extracted top spy from inside Russia in 2017…
600,000 GPS trackers for people and pets are using 123456 as a password…
Google ‘leaked’ personal data to other companies, rival claims…
Amazon tests Whole Foods payment system that uses hands as ID…
Criminals Used AI to Mimic CEO’s Voice To Steal Money… Unusual Cybercrime Case
The Ethics of Hiding Your Data From the Machines…
Help DARPA find a new underground research lair…
Why the CIA doesn’t spy on the UAE…
Internal Revenue Service Sends New Round Of Letters To Crypto Holders…
Army’s close-combat units to train against AI avatars…
Report: Cell Phone Use Causes Brain Depletion…
The quantum revolution is coming, and Chinese scientists are at the forefront…
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