Category: "Uncategorized"
DoD revisiting security guidelines for commercial cloud
Ferguson fuels ‘kill switch’ debate i.e. shutting down cell phone service in an emergency
Sniffing Out Smuggled Money Is About to Get Easier With New Device … Bulk Currency Detection System (BCDS)
BGP hijacking: Cybercriminals used Internet architecture to mine bitcoins
NSA, struggling to recruit top talent, turns to Silicon Valley
Cyber security researcher figures out how to hack satellite communications on passenger jets through WiFi and inflight entertainment systems
Australia’s spy agency (ASIO) chief defends surveillance network and argues for broader powers
An oncologist’s argument for funding your own cancer research
GCHQ’s dark arts: Leaked documents reveal online manipulation, Facebook, YouTube snooping
How the CIA Partnered With Amazon and Changed Intelligence
Report: Chinese phone comes preloaded with spyware
U.S. SEC official urges broader cyber-attack disclosure
U.S. in Talks with Snowden on Possible Plea Deal
War Gear Flows to Police Departments
Federal ‘Biosurveillance’ Plan Seeking Direct Access to Americans’ Private Medical Records
Amazon Expands Its Cloud Services to the U.S. Military
Vampire parasitic plants ‘sweet talk’ victims via DNA communication
Malware no longer avoids virtual machines
Feds to study illegal use of spy gear
Schools use new software to monitor students’ social media posts
How Thieves Can Hack and Disable Your Home Alarm System
We only use 10% of our brains?
This software guy accidentally designed an app that is saving my dyslexic son
New alert system gives president special code for emergency messages
Massachusetts SWAT teams claim they’re private corporations, immune from open records laws
Stephen Hawking: AI could be a ‘real danger’
Stephen Wolfram, who never finished high school, has some great advice for those who just did
Ex-KGB Spy Says Russia Tricked Snowden Into Going To Moscow
Computer becomes first to pass Turing Test in artificial intelligence milestone
Researchers discover critical flaws in the Chip and PIN system
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