Category: "Uncategorized"
Snowden docs had NYTimes exec fearing for his life
IRS using Google Maps to spy on taxpayers
More Airports Set to Install TSA ‘Detention Pods’
‘Nothing is beyond our reach,’ National Reconnaissance Office’s new logo claims
Edward Snowden Stole Up To 20,000 Aussie Intelligence Files – Report
Hacker Develops Super-Drone to Hack, Hijack Other Drones
TSA Expands Searches of Parked Cars at Airports
Motorist Stops for Breath, Blood Samples Spur Anger, Apology
DHS Googling Travelers Before They Enter U.S.?
How Scientists Are Learning To Shape Our Memory
Creating Organs From Scratch: Scientists Say They Can Bioprint The First 3-D Heart In 10 Years
Massive Man-in-the-Middle Attacks Have Been Hijacking Huge Amounts Of Internet Traffic And Almost No One Noticed
A Neuroscientist’s Radical Theory of How Networks Become Conscious
‘Smart homes’ are vulnerable, say hackers
Hacking and attacking automated homes
Police maintain that cellphone data can help solve crimes, track fugitives or abducted children — or even foil a terror attack
U.S., U.K. intelligence worried about Snowden’s “insurance policy” cache
Unmasked: Area 51’s Biggest, Stealthiest Spy Drone Yet
FBI’s search for ‘Mo,’ suspect in bomb threats, highlights use of malware for surveillance
How the NSA is tracking people right now
Guardian editor defends publication of Snowden files
Booz Allen Hamilton and the “trade secrets” FOIA exemption
NSA’s global interception network
Disinformation? ‘Saudis, Israelis developing new ‘super Stuxnet’ against Iran nuclear program’
NSA infected 50,000 computer networks with malicious software
Homeland Security Agency Wants to Turn People Into Nuclear Tripwires
FBO: Request for Information on a Human Portable Tripwire (HPT)
Meet the Spies Doing the NSA’s Dirty Work
Examining Edenics, the Theory That English (and Every Other Language) Came From Hebrew
Dolphins Have “Names,” Respond When Called
Secrets piling up faster than government can declassify some
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